Their relationship developes naturally and what drama it has is natural and not forced. Bofur's OC love interest is astoundingly well-developed and likable, and this is coming from someone who usually doesn't like original characters. Probably the closest thing to perfection in any fanfiction I've ever read. "Because she's not my widow," Bofur cut in. "How is she his widow if he's still alive?" Bilbo wondered.
Synopsis: "He whittles for the widow and her child his sweet, sad widow," said Bombur smugly.Recommended by YeMightyDespair, miucorte.One thing, though-it seems to depend on movie-verse more than book-verse. There are plenty of little quirks in the dialogue itself that made me laugh aloud, from references to Elrond's daughter and the boy she fancies (and he disapproves of) to Fili and Kili muttering lyrics from "I'll Make a Man Out of You" make the story spectacularly real and charming. Each chapter to date is meticulously written so while we do focus on Bilbo, each character is present and active. The author's usage of colloquialisms and syntax native to modern London, as well as physical landmarks written into the story tell you that the author knows what they're writing, when they're writing, and makes it all come alive.
Comments: In a similar vein to the above fanfic, this is Tolkien's classic in a modern setting-but perfectly transitioned. Now he wants it back, with nothing but an unlikely crew of aspiring robbers and not-burglars let loose on London to aid him against the power of the tyrannous and manipulative Smaug.
Synopsis: Thorin Oakenshield is the wretched heir to a fortune which was stolen from him and left him orphaned. Recommended by miucorte, trickstersheir. Gonna fourth this and say this is legitimately the best fanfic I have ever read it felt like a novel, clearly the story of The Hobbit, but with such excellent characterization of each dwarf and explanations for the circumstances they find themselves in that make perfect sense in the story. It has a companion fic, Children of the Lonely Mountain that goes and fills in little things in the world and characters. It is flawless, the slow burn is beautiful, and the references to canon are spot-on. Chiming in to say that this is hands-down the best Hobbit fanfic I have ever read in my life. The author does a great job with characterization and character interactions, weaving both modern and canon details together. Comments: An amazing AU where the story takes place in modern times. But when Bilbo is dragged into the group as their unwilling burglar, everything he has taken for granted will be torn asunder. Thorin Oakenshield will tell you that they are simply desperate for a home. The government has labeled them a group of environmental terrorists. The police say the Sons of Durin are a crime family. Synopsis: Bilbo Baggins is a humble grocer, living a quiet life. Recommended by Zephyr 7, SMARTALIENQT, AddictOfReading, tricksters heir, lyamainu. Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast.